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Support Ticket Resolution Time

SaaS & Technology KPIs

Comprehensive Metric Info

Support Ticket Resolution Time KPI in SaaS & Technology

The Support Ticket Resolution Time KPI is a critical metric for SaaS and technology companies, measuring the average time it takes to resolve a customer support ticket. It directly impacts customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall business success. This document details the data requirements, calculation methodology, application of an analytics model, and the business value of this KPI.

Data Requirements

To accurately calculate Support Ticket Resolution Time, you need specific data points from your support ticketing system. Here's a breakdown:

Specific Fields

  • Ticket ID:

    A unique identifier for each support ticket.

  • Ticket Creation Timestamp:

    The exact date and time when the ticket was created.

  • Ticket Resolution Timestamp:

    The exact date and time when the ticket was marked as resolved.

  • Ticket Status:

    The current status of the ticket (e.g., Open, In Progress, Resolved, Closed).

  • Ticket Priority:

    The assigned priority level of the ticket (e.g., Low, Medium, High, Urgent).

  • Ticket Category/Type:

    The category or type of issue reported (e.g., Bug, Feature Request, Account Issue).

  • Assigned Agent/Team:

    The support agent or team assigned to handle the ticket.


  • Resolution Time (in minutes/hours/days):

    The difference between the Ticket Resolution Timestamp and the Ticket Creation Timestamp.

  • Average Resolution Time:

    The average resolution time across a specific period or group of tickets.

  • Median Resolution Time:

    The middle value of resolution times when ordered from smallest to largest.

  • Resolution Time by Priority:

    Average resolution time for tickets of different priority levels.

  • Resolution Time by Category:

    Average resolution time for tickets of different categories.

  • Resolution Time by Agent/Team:

    Average resolution time for tickets handled by different agents or teams.

Data Sources

  • Support Ticketing System:

    Platforms like Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud, Jira Service Management, Freshdesk, etc. are the primary data sources.

  • Data Warehouse/Lake:

    Data from the ticketing system is often extracted and loaded into a data warehouse or data lake for analysis.

Calculation Methodology

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to calculate the Support Ticket Resolution Time KPI:

  1. Calculate Resolution Time for Each Ticket:

    Subtract the Ticket Creation Timestamp from the Ticket Resolution Timestamp. The result is the resolution time for that specific ticket. Ensure the time units are consistent (e.g., minutes, hours, days).

    Formula: Resolution Time = Ticket Resolution Timestamp - Ticket Creation Timestamp

  2. Calculate Average Resolution Time:

    Sum the resolution times for all tickets within a specific period (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) and divide by the total number of resolved tickets in that period.

    Formula: Average Resolution Time = (Sum of all Resolution Times) / (Total Number of Resolved Tickets)

  3. Calculate Median Resolution Time:

    Order the resolution times for all tickets within a specific period from smallest to largest. The median is the middle value. If there's an even number of tickets, the median is the average of the two middle values.

  4. Calculate Resolution Time by Segments:

    Repeat steps 1 and 2, but filter the tickets by priority, category, agent, or any other relevant segment to calculate segmented average resolution times.


Let's say you have three tickets:

  • Ticket 1: Creation Time: 09:00 AM, Resolution Time: 10:00 AM, Resolution Time: 1 hour

  • Ticket 2: Creation Time: 10:30 AM, Resolution Time: 12:30 PM, Resolution Time: 2 hours

  • Ticket 3: Creation Time: 01:00 PM, Resolution Time: 02:30 PM, Resolution Time: 1.5 hours

Average Resolution Time = (1 + 2 + 1.5) / 3 = 1.5 hours

Application of Analytics Model

An AI-powered analytics platform like 'Analytics Model' can significantly enhance the calculation and analysis of the Support Ticket Resolution Time KPI. Here's how:

Real-Time Querying

Users can use free-text queries to instantly retrieve data related to resolution times. For example:

  • Show me the average resolution time for high-priority tickets this week.

  • "What is the median resolution time for bug reports in the last month?"

  • "Compare the average resolution time for each support agent."

Automated Insights

The platform can automatically identify trends, anomalies, and patterns in the data. For example:

  • "The average resolution time for account issues has increased by 15% in the last week."

  • "Agent X has a significantly higher average resolution time than other agents."

  • "High-priority tickets are taking longer to resolve than usual."

Visualization Capabilities

The platform can present the data in various visual formats, such as:

  • Line charts:

    To track resolution time trends over time.

  • Bar charts:

    To compare resolution times across different categories, priorities, or agents.

  • Histograms:

    To visualize the distribution of resolution times.

  • Dashboards:

    To provide a comprehensive overview of key metrics and insights.

Business Value

The Support Ticket Resolution Time KPI is crucial for several reasons:

Customer Satisfaction

Faster resolution times lead to happier customers. Customers expect prompt and efficient support, and a low resolution time demonstrates a commitment to customer service.

Operational Efficiency

Analyzing resolution times can help identify bottlenecks in the support process. By understanding where delays occur, companies can optimize workflows, allocate resources more effectively, and improve overall efficiency.

Resource Allocation

The KPI helps in determining staffing needs. If resolution times are consistently high, it may indicate a need for more support agents or better training.

Performance Management

It allows for the evaluation of individual agent and team performance. By tracking resolution times by agent, managers can identify top performers and areas where improvement is needed.

Cost Reduction

Efficient support processes can reduce operational costs. Faster resolution times mean less time spent on each ticket, leading to lower labor costs.

Decision Making

The KPI provides data-driven insights that can inform strategic decisions related to support operations, product development, and customer experience.

In conclusion, the Support Ticket Resolution Time KPI is a vital metric for SaaS and technology companies. By accurately measuring and analyzing this KPI, businesses can improve customer satisfaction, optimize operations, and drive better business outcomes. An AI-powered analytics platform like 'Analytics Model' can significantly enhance the process by providing real-time insights, automated analysis, and powerful visualization capabilities.

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